農暦閏九月初二。XO醤なくなつたので、いつも大澳の露店で購つてゐるから、Z嬢と東涌まで地下鉄で往き11:20の船で大澳へ。港珠澳大橋の着々と橋桁の工事進むのを眺めても何も面白くない。今日は桃色海豚に遭遇せず。大澳に着くといつも昼食は蓮香酒家だが海産物屋並ぶ永安街で周末だけ開く私家房あり水路眺めながら花膠(fish maw)のスープや素朴な家庭料理が美味いといふので訪れてみると「大澳花膠專門店」といふ肆の奥の階段上がるとなるほど露天茶座で、他の客をらず貸切でのんびりと昼餉。花膠のスープ、鹹魚蒸肉餅、白飯魚と茄子の蒸し物注文したが「うちで採れた無農薬の野菜だから」と油菜供され満腹。街市裏にたくさんの猫を飼ふ伯父さんがゐて家の前の小さな公園のベンチでいつものんびり新聞読んでゐるのだが、今日は猫用の鰯を持参して一、二匹の猫に鰯あげたら、あっといふ間に十数匹の猫が集まり、それが一匹の猫が「餌があるよ」と叫んだわけでもなく数秒でにほひ漂ふのか、だういふシグナルで猫がこんなに集まるのか不思議。伯父さんは「勝手に猫に餌をやらないで」と叱るでもなし悠々。伯父さんは家を空けたまゝで外出。寛いでゐた猫たちが途端に家の開けっ放しの玄関周辺でまるで守備についたやうに緊張してゐるのは気のせいかしら。XO醤贖ひ巴士で昼寝のうちに梅窩へ。高速でなく冷房もない普通船でのんびり中環に還る。IFCの徠卡専門店に寄る。双眼鏡(Ultravid 8x20)が革製のケース付きだが首から掛けるストラップがない。付属だつたのに外して見当たらないのか最初から別売だつたのか不明。店員に尋ねると在庫もないし注文になるが値段もわからぬ、だがデジカメのD-LUX用の別売ストラップなら在庫あり紐の太さも合ふといるので(実際にD-LUX用とは思へぬのだが)それを買ふ。昼餉鱈腹で晩はそうめん茹でる。赤瀬川原平『千利休 無言の前衛』読む。原平さんにしては説教臭いが野上彌生子『秀吉と利休』が勅使河原宏監督によつて映画化されるにあたり監督の達ての希望で原平さんに脚本依頼が来たときの話から勅使河原監督が草月流の家系で草月会館が戦後「前衛」芸術のメッカであつたあたりの話、芸術論的には印象派からシュールレアリズム、前衛となり行為芸術に至るのだが行為芸術も路上の清掃といつた日常行為に至り前衛芸術が無くなつたこと、そのあとは日常を歩けば前衛芸術に至ること(トマソンのことだが……)あたりの下りが少し面白い。所謂「比較文化論的な日本研究には」入門書としていゝ内容で、だからこそ昭和の終はりに出てから読まれてゐるのだらう(昨年迄で33版)。
▼倉田先生から新華社が“Hong Kong tycoons reluctant to take side amid Occupy turmoil”といふ記事(English.news.cn 2014-10-25 11:59:14 by Xinhua writer Yan Hao)を発表したが晩までに削除された話を知る。多少長いが興味深い内容なので引用すると
Former Hong Kong chief executive Tung Chee-hwa on Friday urged once again protesters to end their Occupy Central movement since thousands of students started sit-in protests on Sept. 28 over the region's next top leader's election in 2017.
Sworn in as the first chief executive in 1997 right after the former British colony was handed over to China, the 77-year-old Tung now serves as vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, China's top political advisory body, who is the only state-level leader in the special administrative region.
One week before the Occupy movement, Tung led a high-profile billionaires delegation representing Hong Kong's industrial and business communities to Beijing and met with President Xi Jinping.
At that meeting, President Xi asked the Hong Kong billionaires to "be united and make concerted efforts to jointly create an even brighter future for Hong Kong led by the central government as well as the region's chief executive and government."
Tung is among the few tycoons in Hong Kong who have voiced opposition to the almost month-long movement that has severely disrupted traffic in the city and affected the daily lives of Hong Kongers.
"My fellow students, I have heard your appeals for more democracy and agree with the ultimate goal. Who does not want a more democratic society?" Tung said in the former chief executive' s official mansion.
"In civilized societies, conflicts are resolved through dialogue, not in streets. Students should not use the occupation as bargaining chips for negotiation with the government."
In fact, Tung himself was also a businessman. Born in Shanghai, Tung took over his family business after his father, shipping magnate Tung Chao Yung, died in 1981 and managed Orient Overseas, one of the world's leading shipping and logistics service providers.
Sitting next to Tung at the meeting with President Xi was Li Ka- shing who made a statement on Oct. 15, calling on the Occupy protesters to go home and not to "let today's passion become tomorrow's regrets." The Asia's wealthiest man did not make it clear whether or not he agrees with the appeals of the protesters.
Li built his family business empire from plastics manufacturing and accumulated wealth through real estate, supermarket chains and mobile phone network.
Other Hong Kong tycoons, such as Lee Shau-kee, nicknamed "Hong Kong's Warrenn Buffett," Kuok Hock Nien known for his sugar refineries in Asia, and Woo Kwong-ching whose businesses range from Hong Kong's cable TV to the Star Ferry, have all remained mute.
Except for Tung who made himself clear at Friday's press conference, none of the tycoons at President Xi's meeting has expressed support to the police's handling of the demonstrations and Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying's government.
However, many small business owners and taxi drivers flared up at the protesters and their attempts to remove the barricades in Mong Kok, a commercial district in Kowloon, led to clashes with the demonstrators.
Hong Kong, with a 7-million population and just one-sixth the size of the mainland's metropolis Shanghai, has ranked the world's 7th in terms of GDP per capita at purchasing power parity, according to the International Monetary Fund.
The city also has one of the largest income disparities in the world with its Gini index, the most commonly used measure of inequality, rose to a record-high 0.537 in 2011.
Many Occupy protesters said one of the reasons for their " hopeless" lives which they believe need more democracy, is that they are dismayed by various livelihood woes, for instance, an unaffordable housing price.
About 1.3 million Hong Kongers, or 19.6 percent of the population, live below a poverty line of 11,500 Hong Kong dollars (1,483.5 U.S. dollars) for a three-member household per month, which was set by the Hong Kong government last year.
The threshold, drawn at half of Hong Kong's median monthly household income before tax and welfare transfers, is way behind the average housing price, around 3,000 U.S. dollars per square foot.
Despite continued preferential economic policies given by China 's central government to the Asian financial hub since 1997, a sentiment simmers among Hong Kong's blue-collar class that they benefited much less from those policies than the industrial and business elites.
One of the key demands of the Occupy protesters is to introduce "civil nomination" in choosing candidates for the next chief executive before all Hong Kong's eligible voters cast their ballots in 2017.
According to China's top legislature's decision on Aug. 31, the committee tasked with nominating two to three candidates for the next leader will be a 1,200-member panel similar to the one which elected incumbent Chief Executive Leung, but protesters said it lacks legitimacy for the planned universal suffrage.
The protesters also vented their anger at the Hong Kong police' s use of tear gas to disperse protesters on Sept. 28 and Leung's report to the top legislature, which they think was misleading Beijing on Hong Kongers' real demands on the universal suffrage.
Leung said during an interview with foreign media on Tuesday that there was still room to make the nomination committee more democratic, such as replacing corporate votes with individual ballots.
If so, more grassroots employees, rather than their bosses, would have a say in nominating chief executive candidates who will run for the 2017 vote.
Days later, James Tien, leader of the pro-business Liberal Party, said that Chief Executive Leung should consider stepping down not for his policies but the growing difficulties for governance.
Tien is the first major figure from the pro-establishment camp to publicly suggest Leung's resignation during the Occupy movement. Being a successful boss in clothing and real estate, he is the first son of Hong Kong late textile industry's magnate Tien Yuan- hao.
といふ記事で削除の理由はタイトル通り民主化運動批判に「積極的ぢゃないから」で北京中央がついに香港の財閥まで非難か、となる(翌日の蘋果日報朝刊も「京點名斥港四大富豪 無表態反佔中」こちら)。だが見方変へると「香港の現状をじつに冷静に取られた記事」で、それで削除されたのかも。最後のところで自由党の田北俊がCY辞任を求めている、と書いて記事を〆てしまつてゐるし……面白い。董建華が「香港特区でただ一人の国家的レベルの指導者」だとは今日まで知らず。また芸能人も「雨傘運動發展至今日,差唔多都有一個月,而喺期間都有唔少藝人出聲撐雨傘運動,好似何韻詩、黃秋生、杜汶澤同周潤發等等...而近期就有指內地會封殺撐雨傘運動嘅藝人,今日就有報道指發哥回應咗封殺事件」(蘋果日報、こちら)で香港の民主化につき物言へば唇寒し、で今や中共内地への政治干渉ばかりか一国両制で言論自由保証されてゐるはずの香港についても政治的=反政府的コメントすれば内地といふ巨大市場で干す、といふ中共のなりふり構はぬ一党独裁の極み。
- 作者: 赤瀬川原平
- 出版社/メーカー: 岩波書店
- 発売日: 1990/01/22
- メディア: 新書
- 購入: 4人 クリック: 35回
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