
香港で2000年02月24日から毎日綴り始めた日記ブログ 現在は身在日本


▼湾仔馬師道に大利行といふ酒屋あり。激安。Noilly Pratが1ℓ瓶でHK$168はドライマティーニ好きには嬉しいが少量しか使はぬベルモットなので陋宅独酌には持て余し気味。で風味抜けてしまふ。この酒屋も老闆高齢で近いうちに引退=閉業かしら。さうなると香港島でこのテの酒屋を探すのは難儀。

(FT Weekend) What would Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels write today? Perhaps something like this:
“A spectre is haunting the world ― the spectre of activism. All the powers of the old world order have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre . . . It is high time that Activists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views.”
“By the start of our 21st century, we are faced with the extraordinary fact that the top one per cent of the world’s population own the same resources as the remaining 99 per cent. Those at the bottom are less upwardly mobile than in previous generations; entrance to wealthy gated communities is blocked, not only by private security forces, but also by the increasingly prohibitive costs of healthcare, technology and education. There is the dominant force of mass incarceration, with millions of poor, minorities and powerless walled off from the rulers they might threaten. The Haves have never in history held so much advantage over the Have-Nots.”
If Marx and Engels had been active readers of this newspaper, we think they would have been critics of financial innovation and would have seized on the financial crisis in particular, perhaps writing something along the lines of:
“As with the manias, panics, and crashes of history, the dislocations arising from the financial crisis created new opportunities for the Haves to benefit from seizing the political response. The use and abuse of complex financial innovation ― derivatives, structured products, credit default swaps and collateralised debt obligations ― have extended the financial system beyond its primary purpose of facilitating economic growth and matching borrowers and savers to secondary and more dubious purposes.”⇧佐川氏が1982年度入省の前、エリートの卵として同期と共に雑誌に載った自己紹介記事に目が留まった。