
香港で2000年02月24日から毎日綴り始めた日記ブログ 現在は身在日本








It has always called itself “great, glorious and correct”. And as it starts its second century, the party has good cause to brag. No other dictatorship has been able to transform itself from a famine-racked disaster, as China was under Mao Zedong, into the world’s second-largest economy, whose cutting-edge technology and infrastructure put America’s creaking roads and railways to shame. Thanks to unstinting ruthlessness, ideological agility and a willingness to share enough of the fruits of modernisation, China’s Communists are the world’s most successful authoritarians. Over the years Western observers have found plenty of reasons to predict the collapse of Chinese communism. In reality the main threat comes from within the party itself—and especially at the moment of transition from one leader to the next. Although peril for the party will not necessarily bring the enlightened rule that freedom-lovers desire, at some point even this Chinese dynasty will end.

How Press Freedom Is Being Eroded in Hong Kong - The New York Times


Beyond the national security law, there have been smaller policy changes that Hong Kong journalists say could impede their ability to do their work. Some of the changes involve interactions with the police, who had some tense confrontations with journalists during the 2019 protests. Last year, the police said they would recognize journalists’ credentials only if they worked for outlets registered with the government or for prominent international news organizations. Chief Tang also said that access to police operations on the ground should be restricted to “trusted media.”

Separately, the government is set to allow companies to conceal sensitive ownership data, which critics say could make it more difficult to uncover fraud.

Mrs. Lam raised alarms last month when she said the government was exploring legislation against “fake news,” the question being how fake news should be defined and by whom. Similar legislation enacted in Asian countries like Cambodia, Malaysia and Singapore has been criticized as a tool for stifling dissent.


お上の五輪懸念「拝察」に広がる波紋 :朝日新聞 宮内庁長官西村某は警察庁出身。晋三で内閣危機管理監。平成さん退位意向で宮内庁に遣られ「官邸が宮内庁の掌握に乗り出した」などと拝察されたが「ミイラ取りがミイラに」は、まさにこれ。宮内の磁力。


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