
香港で2000年02月24日から毎日綴り始めた日記ブログ 現在は身在日本



The election may make things worse, if it ends up sapping Mr Abe’s authority, and with it his enthusiasm for reform. At the very least, the LDP seems likely to lose a few seats, simply because its current majority is so big. If the losses are bigger than expected, ambitious underlings in the LDP may try to eject Mr Abe as leader of the party.
But however big the LDP’s majority, and whoever ends up in charge, it would be a grave mistake to leave the job of reviving the economy half done. Fixing things will only get harder as time passes. As it is, public debt is over 250% of GDP. The population is ageing and the workforce shrinking―drags on growth that will grow ever heavier.
The economic malaise has lasted for so long that many voters and politicians may think they can live with it. But big budget deficits and loose monetary policy can only paper over the problem. In the meantime, the opportunity to fix things without great upheaval is slipping away.