
香港で2000年02月24日から毎日綴り始めた日記ブログ 現在は身在日本


▼FT紙の社説“Britain should vote to stay in the EU”(こちら)。
This newspaper has supported British membership of the EU from the outset in 1973. The Financial Times does not favour membership of the single currency. It makes no economic sense. But opting out of the euro is quite different from opting out of the EU, which would seriously damage the UK economy. Constructive engagement is vital when Europe confronts threats from Islamist extremism, migration, Russian aggrandisement and climate change. These can only be tackled collectively.
わからないでもない。だが英国の屈折も英国ゆゑでいつまでもあのまゝでゐてほしいと思ふとグローバリズムから距離をとり英国は英国、蘇格蘭独立も厭はぬが蘇格蘭は蘇格蘭でゐてほしいと思ふ。いや、EUとはさういふものではない、EU中枢のドイツもフランスもEUになつてもドイツやフランスのまゝぢゃないか、といはれゝばその通りなのだが。かなり微妙な選択になるのでは?と思つてゐたところでEU残留訴へてゐた野党労働党のMPが右翼の偏執狂に殺される事件あり。“Lessons we should learn from the life of Jo Cox”(こちら)となり
Ms Cox’s killing should be a reminder that democracy is a fragile thing. The journey from civilisation to barbarism is far shorter than many in the west imagine. In her maiden speech as an MP last year, she declared that “we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than things that divide us”. If there is anything remotely to be gained from her death, it is that the British public should heed those words now.