
香港で2000年02月24日から毎日綴り始めた日記ブログ 現在は身在日本



▼Sir David TangがFTの連載でドナルド=トランプについて指摘“Why Donald Trump deserves abomination, not nomination”(こちら)。
I find Donald Trump just too much of a thug. Can he really be the political leader of the so-called free world?
No, he should not be, because he has neither heart nor soul, which the free world requires, and judging by the decor and furniture in his homes, he has the worst taste in the world, which means he will promote ghastliness and insipidity, and art and culture will suffer under his dinosaurian ignorance. His rising popularity should not be conflated with quality support in a country that, in Middle America, has some of the most insular, rightwing bigots on earth. Trump will fizzle out, we hope, through his own bombast. Just watch when he opens his vacuous gob ― his face contorts, with his mouth moving like a Möbius strip, and his hair appearing to be stuck in place with gel like the tail of a bird congealed in an oil slick, all oscillating between the extremities of his spidery palms and coupled with his inarticulate and ugly words, uttered with the screeching pitch of a common fishwife. He is as irritating as I thought when I met him. I don’t think Mr Trump deserves nomination. He deserves abomination.
The Economistの巻頭記事“Beware the cult of Xi”(こちら
In the past 66 years of Communist rule in China, the most troubled times have usually come about when tensions break out within the elite. Mr Xi’s style of rule is only serving to stoke them. The more Mr Xi tries to fight off enemies using scare tactics and brute force, the more enemies he is likely to make.