
香港で2000年02月24日から毎日綴り始めた日記ブログ 現在は身在日本


農暦六月十日。巴西優勝に賭けるアタシはネイマール選手の負傷には驚いた。図解が見事な蘋果日報は骨髄の絵まで後ろ姿がちゃんとネイマール選手。これで金髪にしてゐたら完ぺき。日曜だが出先仕事。晩に自宅では珍しいが骨付きラム焼いて飰す。Ch Larcis Ducasse 2000年飲む。
▼英エコノミスト(今週末号)の香港政治についての記事は“Fighting for their future”と題して“Two visions for the future of China collide on the streets of the former colony”について説く(こちら)。
The protests are part of a growing confrontation about the future of Hong Kong, but they are also where two visions for the future of China collide. Demonstrators want an expansion of the former British territory’s social and political freedoms, which were retained under the handover agreement. Chinese leaders do not want full, Western-style democracy in Hong Kong because they view such freedoms as an unwelcome example for China. They have taken a more aggressive line on Hong Kong as President Xi Jinping attempts to consolidate his power at home and China’s influence in the region. The prospect now looms of more serious clashes in Hong Kong. It could be a long summer for the city’s chief executive, Leung Chun-ying, as he juggles the competing demands of China’s leaders and Hong Kong’s people.