
香港で2000年02月24日から毎日綴り始めた日記ブログ 現在は身在日本


農暦五月十三日。二日続きで早晩にジムで走る。走るときにはiPhoneNike+のアプリ使つてゐるのだが走り終はると“Well done! ”と男性の声でナントカ=ナダルと名乗る。誰だか知らず調べて庭球の有名な選手。帰宅してうどん煮て飰す。
▼興味がないと言ひつゝ連日の蹴球話も何だがアタシのやうなへそ曲がりに興味深いのは英エコノミスト誌(6月7日号)の特集で巻頭は“Beautiful game, dirty business”と題してW杯主催するFIFAの金権体質を批判(こちら)。
Sadly, soccer fans are romantic nationalists, not logical economists―so our proposal stands less chance of winning than England does. One small step towards sanity would be formally to rotate the tournament, so it went, say, from Europe to Africa to Asia to the Americas, which would at least stop intercontinental corruption. But very little of this will happen without change at the top in Zurich.
Football is not as global as it might be (see article). The game has failed to conquer the world’s three biggest countries: China, India and America. In the United States soccer, as they call it, is played but not watched. In China and India the opposite is true. The latter two will not be playing in Brazil (indeed, they have played in the World Cup finals just once between them).
といふわけで、特集記事“A game of two halves”(こちら)は、まぁ執拗に
The notorious corruption of the sport’s governing body, FIFA (see article) has not stopped it enrolling more members (209) than the United Nations (193). In 2006 FIFA estimated that the game’s players, both serious and casual, totalled 300m.
The world does not just play football―it watches it, bets on it, argues about it and spends money on it.
毎日新聞社説「社説:集団的自衛権 理解できぬ首相の焦り」(こちら