
香港で2000年02月24日から毎日綴り始めた日記ブログ 現在は身在日本

四月十五日(金)また冷房にやられ体調不良。悪寒と目眩。ご執務強制終了で早晩に中環。FCCのラウンジで赤葡萄酒二杯。天后。知己の数名で「光」なる鮨屋。山頂から下山の板前A師と邂逅。どの日本料理屋も氷河期にあるが今日のHK Magazineが“The Endamame Is Near”と題して異常な放射性汚染食材=日本食回避をば報道(こちら)。同誌で陶傑氏は“The Endless Plight of Japan”と題して、こゝまで日本をダシにして辛辣に中国を罵詈せずとも、といふ感じなのが「こちら」。
Nothing could be more insulting to Japanese dignity than a “help-the-Japanese” charity campaign launched in Hong Kong with a bunch of sentimental and boisterous local Chinese singers, film starlets and models waving their V-signs, apparently in tears, and racing to give emotional lectures in their broken Cantonese on a TV screen while calling for the Chinese public to donate distilled water and instant noodles to their neighboring nation still blighted by devastation from the latest tsunami and radioactive leaks.