
香港で2000年02月24日から毎日綴り始めた日記ブログ 現在は身在日本

▼中国が経済開放政策に舵を切る切掛けとなつた三中全会から30周年。昨日訪れた深圳の華僑城などまさにこの30年の経済成長の賜物か。1970年代、毎晩、北京放送(日本語)を聴くのが楽しみだつたアタシは文革の晩期から周恩来毛沢東逝去、四人組逮捕、でこの鄧小平の復活でアタシの北京放送聴取が終はつた感じ。1980年代の初め、勇んで独りバックパッカーで大陸を旅した際に北京の天安門の歴史博物館が現代史が最後、この三中全会の開催で終はつてゐたことが今も印象に強く残る。今日のIHT紙に“Milestone and crisis collide in China”といふ記事あり。30年の経済成長の成果讃えつゝ世界的な経済混乱の中で経済成長が減速し頼みの対米輸出が振わず11月には広東省での製造業倒産による失業が50万人に上り企業の減産、休業で500万人がすでに旧正月を待たず帰省と報じる。この記事の中で興味深いコメントがいくつかあり。一つは潘岳(中国政府環境保護部副部長=副大臣)の
China's reform and opening has achieved in 30 years the economic gains of more than 100 years in the West - yet more than 100 years of environmental pollution in the West have materialized in 30 years in China.
We need to promote democratization in China. On the other hand, we need to promote social stability. If we had an election right now, we might end up like Thailand.
▼タイといへばThe Economist(12月6日号)の特集 The King and them は読み応へ充分。巻頭のLeadersにある“The untold story of the palace’s role behind the collapse of Thai democracy”が秀逸。タイの王室派はまるでブータンの王様のやうなご加護での政治的安定を期待してゐるがタイのそれは下手するとネパールの政変のやうになる、と指摘した上で
As The Economist went to press, on the eve of the king's birthday, he was reported to be unwell, and unable to deliver his usual annual speech to the nation. So he had still not repudiated the yellow-shirts' claims to be acting in his name. His long silence has done great damage to the rule of law in Thailand. He could still help, by demanding, as no one else can, the abolition of the archaic lèse-majesté law and the language in the current charter that supports it, and so enable Thais to have a proper debate about their future. He made a half-hearted stab at this in 2005, saying he should not be above criticism. But nothing short of the law’s complete repeal will do. Thailand’s friends should tell it so.

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