
香港で2000年02月24日から毎日綴り始めた日記ブログ 現在は身在日本


Over the past year, the people of Hong Kong have experienced a severe trial. My colleagues and I in the Special Administrative Region Government have learnt a painful lesson. After much soul searching, we have adopted various measures to get closer to the community and respond more vigorously to the aspirations of the people. In the coming year we are determined to continue improving our governance to gain the trust and support of the community, and we will take concrete action to promote people-based governance.
With the community's concerted efforts, we overcame the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) last year. However, the disease infected more than 1 700 people and claimed 299 lives. Drawing on the lessons we learnt, the Government has improved the alert and response system to help prevent, identify and control future outbreaks. In particular, we have ensured that frontline medical staff have all the necessary personal protection equipment they need. We all know that the risk of a possible resurgence of SARS still exists. The important tasks ahead of us are to maintain a high level of vigilance, to ensure good personal and environmental hygiene and to stem the disease at source.
After the difficulties of the past few years, our economy is clearly beginning to recover. The hard work of the people and the economic development strategy plus various measures adopted by the Government are gradually producing results. In these circumstances, what is most needed is to push ahead with work already planned in a pragmatic manner, to ensure that the good momentum built up in the recovery is sustained. Thus, the theme of my address today is to work with everybody in the broad direction accepted by the community to continue with economic restructuring and revival, and while allowing the community to take a respite and build up its strength, to promote comprehensive community development, to get close to the people, to improve governance and to properly plan political arrangements for the future.

經過全港市民齊心協力,我們去年克服了「非典型肺炎」的侵襲;但是疫症已奪去二百九十九名市民的生命,一千七百多人受到感染。我們總結經驗,汲取教訓,切實改進了預警和應變機制,加強防治措施,特別是確保前線醫護工作者的必要裝備。大家知道,疫症可能再爆發的風險並未消除,我們必須保持高度警覺, 注意個人和環境衛生,及時堵截疫症源頭,這是今後一段時間裏的重要任務。
と語るが何が市民との距離縮め施政作風改善し市民のための具体的な行動貫徹し人々の新任と支持を得る、だろうか。一期目の二年目の施政方針に非ず再任までされた六年目の政権が支持率4割まで下げ何が今さら市民の支持だろうか。SARSとてその侵襲をば克服した等といふ表現にただ呆れるばかり。克服したのは市民であって元来、香港政府の判断の誤謬、遅れ遅れの対策が三百名近い死者だした元凶。北京中央なる背景あるだけで実はその中央からも厭きらつつよくもここまで反省も思慮深さもなく厚顔無恥でいられるもの。早い晩に百年ぶりにジムで拳闘系の運動小一時間。競馬新聞もロクに見ずに選んだ馬が1レースが6.5倍、2レースが7.2倍で一着、そのあと6レースまで3倍、4倍のかなり堅いレース続くが一着当て続け6レース連続単勝。7レースのクラス1芝1800mはSize厩舎より「獅子花」「自由武士」に「精彩繽紛」と3頭参戦し一番人気は自由武士ながら9倍の精彩繽紛が先行してハナを走る続けるに期待、Size厩舎三頭での三連複まで購入すれば予想通り精彩繽紛がレース引っ張り速度も落ちず「まさか」と期待したがスランプ克服のWhyte騎手の「企業家」に刺され精彩繽紛二着、自由武士三着に食い込む。余の連勝も六連勝で終る。だが素晴らしいレース見せていただき感動。12月までのHappy Valley Champion challengeにてDashing Champion優勝した馬主C氏今晩表彰式あり賞金HK$65万(1千万円)授けられるをテレビにて見る。自由武士三着に食い込む。最終8レースも堅すぎてCruz厩の「利利高」にSize厩「歩飛揚」にWhyte騎「煙花燦爛」では三連複なら6倍程、これでは面白みもなくSize厩の伏兵「贏多寶」を軸にして三連複。12月の有馬記念でのツルマルボーイ四着の無念晴らさむ。贏多寶の先行逃切り期待するが中位にあり煙花燦爛、歩飛揚の一、二着は堅いがここで贏多寶最後内埒から伸びを見せ三着、で配当もHK$123と三連単にしては堅すぎるが勝ちは勝ち。結局7レースで単勝外し連複二、三着で惜戦であった以外は見事的中も的中。どれほど安定した晩かといふと勝ち馬は4レースがSize厩、5レースがWhyteで二着がSize厩、6レースはSize厩、7レースが一着Whyte、二、三着がSize厩、最終8レースも同じく一着Whyte、二、三着がSize厩とリーディング騎手と厩舎で勝ちまくり。