
香港で2000年02月24日から毎日綴り始めた日記ブログ 現在は身在日本

The unquiet past


The Economist誌 15Aug2015号の戦後70年特集エッセイ“Asia’s WWII Ghosts - The unquiet past”(こちら)は昭和15年戦争とアジアの歴史と問題知る上で貴重なテキスト(米軍の原爆投下などは書かれてゐないが)。同記事が英語の他に中文繁体、中文簡体、한국어と日本語(こちら)でも提供されてゐるのはさすが(機械訳?で文章がぎこちないが)。このくらゐの認識がワールドスタンダードといふこと。それともう一つの記事“Apology diplomacy - The hardest word” The suspense over Shinzo Abe’s statement will soon be over(こちら)も「晋三が世界で、どう見られてゐるか」明確。
Mr Abe does not think imperial Japan did much wrong that other warring nations did not do, and he believes that a gruel of Japanese guilt and apologies has been a poor diet for Japanese now lacking a sense of pride and patriotism. And so a lot of people, from Chinese and South Korean leaders to Western academics, have been worried sick about what he might say. Yet as one of his people puts it, rather condescendingly, Mr Abe has recently grown up as a politician―that is, his political head has overridden his heart. Besides, he may have struggled to break out of what are now accepted global norms about how leaders are meant to deal with the politics of the past, including apologies. The indications are that Mr Abe will hew more closely to the spirit and perhaps the content of past prime ministerial statements than many dared think, even if some quibbling over terms may still be divined. He may well affix the full authority of the cabinet to his statement. He may even manage to kick the whole apology debate into the long grass.