
香港で2000年02月24日から毎日綴り始めた日記ブログ 現在は身在日本

What China wants



China needs Western markets, its neighbours are unwilling to accept its regional writ and for many more years the United States will be strong enough militarily and diplomatically to block it. And in the longer run, the hope is that the Chinese system will of itself adapt from one-party rule to some more liberal polity that, by its nature, is more comfortable with the world as it now is.
この巻頭記事に続き特集も“WHAT CHINA WANTS”と題して語るは(こちら)“As China becomes, again, the world's largest economy, it wants the respect it enjoyed in centuries past. But it does not know how to achieve or deserve it.”だとか“The danger is that China will seek greater power in the world as a substitute for fundamental changes at home.”と、果たして大国としての中国は今様の米国とどちらが大変なことになるのかしら。