
香港で2000年02月24日から毎日綴り始めた日記ブログ 現在は身在日本


十月四日(火)快晴。陰暦で九月になり昨日の見事な晴れ空。今朝は日の出から空気がとても澄み遠くの山々までくつきりと眺められる。た め息つくほどで見蕩れる。諸事に忙殺される。晩にZ嬢と時間も忙わしく「二年前に一度行ってかなり満足したが家の近くなのにそれから一度も訪れる機会ない まま」の日系ラーメン屋に食す。店をまかされる店主がいぜんのファンキー野郎から変つており味はかなり落ちていた。残念。Z嬢と別れ独り冷房の強さに車窓 も凍る海底隧道バスで油麻地。Cinematiqueで夜な夜な開催されている香港亜州電影節(HK Asia Film Festival)でパキスタンのSharmeen Obaid監督のドキュメンタリー“Re-inventing the Taliban?”(03年)を観る。イスラム原理主義政権下の故郷パキスタンの訪問記。イスラム色が弱いといふ理由で歌舞音曲規制され る原理主義社会を描写。だが「ごめんなさい」でかなり微睡んでしまふ。この作品に20分物のドキュメンタリーが併映とあり余り期待もしないでいたが、イラ ンのペルシア湾に浮かぶ、青い海に白い大地の映像に思わず引き込まれる。この小さな島の太陽熱の小さな発電所?に暮らす孤独な老人をただ沈黙の中で映し出 す。岸壁に打ち寄せる波の音と、白い波しぶきだけ。何も説明もなくこの老人の一日を20分に収める。イランのドキュメンタリー映画監督Kamran Shirdelの“SOLITUDE OPUS 1”(孤寂1)といふ作品。この監督はイタリアで映像学びテヘランに戻るが社会派の作風はパーレビ国王統治下で制作制限されホメイニ革 命で多少自由になるが30年に渡り自由拘束され30年ぶりの作品がこれ。ただただ圧倒され言葉もなし。午後11時すぎのこの映画館のあたりは大型トラック が道路に並び果物の段ボールをいくつも路上に卸す。九龍水果批發市場、といふと聞こえが良いが「その筋」もかなり絡む場所。かなりアル中の方々など路上で 見受けながらMTRの油麻地駅。銅鑼湾。かなり久々にバーS。この時間に珍しいことだが飲みに寄つたといふより今月下旬のイヴェントについてバー主M氏とまるで商店街のオヤジの打ち合せの如し。さつと飲んで帰るつもりが畏友B氏と邂逅。他の客もなく話上手聞き上手のB氏でついついハイボール2杯にドライマティーニ1杯。 これで帰ろうと思ったらB氏に「時計が34分ときりが悪いから45分まで待ったらよろし」とジャックダニエルを一杯ご馳走になり結果午前2時。帰宅して シャワー浴び2時半。眠気もなく、あと2時間余で最近のお目覚め時間、と思うとぞつとする。
FCC to Yahoo: No Excuse For Being an Accomplice
"The Foreign Correspondents' Club, Hong Kong, has sent the following protest letter to Yahoo over its decision to give mainland authorities journalist Shi Tao's personal email information, leading to his arrest, charging and imprisonment."


4 October 2005
The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong, is deeply distressed by Yahoo’s compliance with requests from unknown mainland authorities to hand over information regarding the personal emails of our professional colleague, journalist Shi Tao, and we wish to express our displeasure in the strongest terms.
We note with dissatisfaction Yahoo’s attempted explanation, offered through your good offices, that it “must comply with the laws, regulations and customs” of the nation where it does business. This attempt to seek cover beneath compliance with the rule of law is as unworthy as it is unpersuasive, and in no way addresses the questions of professional ethics and corporate conscience that should arise whenever a request for the provision of personal information is made. Yahoo’s effort at self-justification actually worsens matters; not only is no particular law nor regulation cited, but the suggestion that something as indefinable as “customs” is a legitimate basis for becoming a willing accomplice to authoritarian action makes a mockery of Yahoo’s already feeble effort to appear law-abiding.
Handing over information regarding personal data to a government is not an act that Yahoo, or any responsible Internet Service Provider (ISP), should ever engage in without such material having being sought with a proper judicial warrant issued in the jurisdiction where you are legally domiciled. It is certainly not what Yahoo would do in the United States. Moreover, your firm is registered in Hong Kong, a common law jurisdiction where laws, such as the Personal (Data) Privacy Ordinance, clearly spell out the protections to privacy. If it is Yahoo’s desire to abide by local laws, the FCC suggests that it begin by complying with the laws in force where it is licensed to do business.
If it is Yahoo’s position, however, that the laws, regulations and customs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region are inferior to those of mainland China, then it should state so clearly. That way, people will understand what Yahoo’s view is on One Country-Two Systems relationship, and can select an ISP accordingly. We should add here that a number of our members, representing media organizations from around the world, are already discussing among themselves whether a boycott of Yahoo ought to be organized. Some have already given up their personal Yahoo addresses.
Indeed, if there are political pressures ? beyond corporate competition and cupidity ? that have driven Yahoo into an action that appears to be a surrender of conscience, then Yahoo ? as well as any other ISP’s faced with the same threat ? should step forward and make that fact known.
Accordingly, the FCC sincerely extends to executives of Yahoo an invitation to explain any difficulties directly to our members. We would be happy to schedule a speaking engagement. If you are willing to take up this offer, and we hope that you are, please let us know as soon as possible so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
FCC Press Freedom Committee


同じくYahoo!創設者のJerry Yang君に対してもレター出される。

富柏村サイト http://www.fookpaktsuen.com/