で本日は九一八で満州事変から88年。江泽民の時に随分と盛り上げたが习近平になつて全国規模での追悼の荘厳さの極み。柳条湖の現場にある施設での式典に参加した大学生が「歴史の真実を学び中国の受けた犠牲、そこからの復興で自分も国家のため懸命に生涯を捧げたい」 と。
その九一八に先立ち昨日、香港では大埔烏蚊騰にある抗日英烈記念碑が「反送中」と汚される狼藉あり。日本の中国侵略で広東、香港に抗日の歴史あり烏蚊騰はその当時の拠点。東江縱隊以烏蛟騰為基地英勇抗戰 反送中の「暴徒」には广东人民抗日游击队东江纵队が「中国共产党领导的」なのが不愉快なのだらう。だが「抗日」は中国人のアイデンティティの構造に深く関はる。昨日だかからネットに中共が公式に「香港人は本当の中国人じゃない」とコメントした……と流れる。
Nation,原意是以國民主權為核心而成立的國家和人民之間的契約關係,基礎是對個人權利的尊重;日本用漢字譯作「民族」後,由於日本單一種族、單一語言、萬世一系的天皇體制,使民族成為血緣關係的闡述。至於「中華民族」這個詞語,最初是由梁啟超在甲午戰爭後於1898年提出的,他所想像的「民族」,是以獨立個人的國民作為構成nation state的主體。到孫中山提出「驅除韃虜,恢復中華」號召革命推翻滿清,就給「中華」賦予排滿並以單一漢族為主體的意涵。王柯認為,漢人革命家為了從滿清手中奪回統治正當性而發明的「中華民族」,比「日本民族」的定義還要狹窄。「中」表達地域概念,「華」表達文明形式,「族」表達血緣關係,這三重元素證明「漢」(「民」)是一個必須具有自己國家的集團(「民族」),並以此區別他者、尋找敵人,「滿」是一個不能與「漢」成為同一種nation的「異類」。
西方原本是為了實現國民主權,保證民主、自由、平等、人權等普世價值而追求的nation state,在中國就成了由單一民族(漢族)構成的nation state——「中華民族」國家。原本是民主主義性質的nationalism,就這樣在近代中國被偷梁換柱,變成了一個「民族」至上的主義。而絕大多數中國人,不會意識到近代中國民族主義對nationalism的閹割和歪曲。於是近代中國的掌權者們得以大力宣揚「中華民族」的利益就是終極的價值。
反送中で609の100万人デモから100日経過で反送中に出口見えぬなか、この運動を見る目は良くも悪くも厳しくなつてきてゐる。このBBCによるAnson ChanへのインタビューもAnson Chanに対して逃亡犯条例は撤回できて反送中の目的はまず解消されたのに何故にそこで妥協せぬのだ?と執拗に迫り「反送中に否定的、親中的」とコメントに苦言もあるが番組は辛口の"Hardtalk"でインタビューアー(Stephan Sackur)も体制側の時の権力者相手ならまだしも在野の「民主派」相手にこれをやるのは逆に勇気も要るところ。この立場が欧米代表するものとしてはいけないが民主派への無条件支持でなければ、このあたりが良識か。
Are Hong Kong’s protesters headed toward an Arab Spring ending? - The Washington Post
今日くらゐは何事もないかと思つてゐたら香港ジョッキークラブが今晩のHappy Valleyでの競馬開催取り消し。
*1:Social networks and cybertools are making inefficient authoritarian regimes more frail, because the people now have more tools to communicate and take on the state. See: Egypt, Jordan, Turkey and Russia. But they’re making efficient authoritarians even more efficient. See: China. And they are making democracies ungovernable, because they not only facilitate the “end of truth” but also “the end of compromise.” See: America, Brexit and Hong Kong.
To compromise means, at a maximum, to forge new common ground, to find areas of overlap, where opposing sides can stand together and, at a minimum, each side takes a little less of what it wants in order to just coexist. But both are becoming harder under the intense pressure of online-enabled extremists.
As my Times colleague Keith Bradsher has noted, the last time major street protests in Hong Kong broke out was in September 2014 — ironically after an Aug. 31, 2014, decision, approved by Beijing, to give the people of Hong Kong more say in how they chose their leaders.
At that time (and still today), a 1,200-member electoral committee, stacked with Beijing loyalists and more conservative farmers, businessmen and fishermen, chose the city’s chief executive. Beijing proposed on Aug. 31, 2014, to shrink that committee’s power to only choosing the candidates who could run — so no one overtly hostile to Beijing could take office — but then allowing all Hong Kongers to vote on the candidates.
It was not an awful compromise because even if Beijing controlled what names would be on the ballot, whoever would win the voting would likely be candidates who promised Hong Kongers the most democracy. In the current system, the winner of the most votes among the chosen 1,200 electors is often whoever makes the most promises to Beijing to twist the arms of Beijing’s friends in Hong Kong.
The compromise was rejected by the street in 2014 and it set off a two-month occupation of several Hong Kong neighborhoods, known as the “Umbrella Movement.” It demanded a “one man, one vote” system, with no obstacles on who could run — the only way to truly protect Hong Kong’s unique democratic identity.
I have huge admiration for the courage of Hong Kongers to defend their city’s unique character. But my head says that “perfect” is rarely on the menu and that better is good when facing an overwhelming power like Beijing. Imagine that the Aug. 31, 2014, compromise had been accepted. Mainland Chinese would be watching Hong Kongers vote directly for their leaders — albeit from a limited list — compared with mainlanders who can’t do even that.
“By insisting on all or nothing, the pan-democrats squandered a good opportunity to bring Hong Kong closer to the ‘true democracy’ to which they rightfully aspire,” observed the Hong Kong investor and writer Weijian Shan, the author of “Out of the Gobi, My Story of China and America.”
Had Hong Kongers accepted the Aug. 31, 2014, offer of limited universal suffrage they’d be in a much stronger position today to demand the full deal. Now it’s unclear if Beijing or its Hong Kong allies will offer even this limited universal suffrage — or if this democracy movement could compromise on it.
So, when the tear gas smoke clears, two huge questions will still linger. Is “better” — the 2014 compromise — still on the table? And, if it is, is there a protest leadership that can say yes to it and make it stick?
*2:Watching the Hong Kong protests is exhilarating in a world where democracy often seems in retreat and autocrats are on the rise. But I had a nagging fear, too. This idealistic, largely leaderless protest reminds me of the early days of the Arab Spring. That worries me. Without strong leadership, this movement could have a similar unhappy ending.