
香港で2000年02月24日から毎日綴り始めた日記ブログ 現在は身在日本





















(この騒動のあと記者の取材に応じた黒蟻の青年曰く)この男が占拠者たちの顔をクローズアップで撮影してをり、そこで「プレス」と書かれた反射ベスト「着てゐた」か「荷物の中にベスト仕舞つてゐた」か(映像で見たかぎり前者だが、この取材に応じた黒蟻君の説明は後者)何のための撮影かと誰何したところ慌てゝ場を離れようとしたので捕まえて更に質すと英語で「旅行者だ」といひプレスのベストは「別人がくれたもの」と弁明したといふ。英語で話してみせるが言葉も拙く一見して大陸漢の平頭族、黒蟻社中がこの男の所持品を奪ひ、中からは“I ❤️警察”の水色Tシャツが出てきて中共の旅券とID所持、更に名前から中共の環球時報の記者と判明。湾仔警察署の広報担当の警官の名刺も一枚。新聞記者であれば、いくら敵方とはいへ「報道の自由」尊重すべきところ身份偽つたこと災ひで黒蟻の群れは文革紅衛兵彷彿させるやうな横暴で手首、足を縛り空港のカートに括りつける私刑。現場で調停に現れた立法会議員が「君たちは警察の私刑糾弾して自分たちがやつてゐる、これは私刑だ」と説得するが、この記者を解放せず。やつとのことで救急隊(消防署のではなく民間公共団体の)が来て、この記者を救出し空港を離れたのが25時頃。環球時報編集長がTwitterで(中共で制限されてゐるTwitter中共紙が使つてゐるのもおかしな話だが)この男が環球の記者で私刑にあることを伝へ西側記者にも救助協力求める。何故こゝで要請が多数の香港記者なのではなく西側海外メディアなのか、も興味深いところ。





▼香港の人口、2019年中間暫定が発表される。二零一九年年中人口數字 香港総人口7,524,100人(昨年同期比+73.1千人)自然増加5.7千人、移民67.4千人の内、大陸からの新移民44.4千人でその他(外国人)23千人。新移民の中に解放軍退役軍人や公安がゐて香港で合法的に警察に入つてゐる……といつた説が誠しやかに語られるが今日の空港での公安君のことなど実際にあると、かうした風聞もどこか「やっぱり」と思ふか何うか。

Transcript of remarks by CE at media session before ExCo meeting (with video)

Reporter: Mrs Lam, can you tell me what is your responsibility? You are talking about the responsibility of the police and the people of Hong Kong. What is your responsibility as the leader of Hong Kong to solve this situation? Don’t talk about the police and the people. What is your responsibility?

Chief Executive: Sorry. It is not my choice to concentrate on the police but all the questions now have been focusing on the police despite a three-hour press conference yesterday. Let me briefly give a very solemn and serious response to that question about the Chief Executive’s responsibility. The Chief Executive’s responsibility is to ensure that Hong Kong remains a safe and orderly and law-abiding city. That is my utmost responsibility. Because without the rule of law, without law and order in Hong Kong, it is extremely difficult to ensure that seven million people in Hong Kong could continue to live in a peaceful manner. So that is my utmost responsibility. That also requires my support for all the law enforcement agencies in accordance with their policies, their rules, their guidelines. That also means that my responsibility goes beyond this particular range of protests. I have said, after the violence has been stopped, and the chaotic situation that now we are seeing could subside – I wouldn’t say it will be eradicated totally – I, as the Chief Executive, will be responsible to rebuild Hong Kong’s economy, to engage as widely as possible, to listen as attentively as possible to my people’s grievances and try to help Hong Kong to move on. That is my very serious political commitment and responsibility to the people of Hong Kong at this point in time.

Reporter: Mrs Lam, you say that it’s your utmost responsibility to restore order to Hong Kong. Is it not also your utmost responsibility as Hong Kong’s leader to listen to the public? All of us here in this room, all the reporters, we’ve been out on the streets, we’ve spoken to protesters over the past couple of months. They have made their demands very clear. Now, I would like to ask you, in terms of withdrawing the bill, using this specific term which the protesters have called for, do you as Hong Kong’s leader have the autonomy to decide to withdraw the bill? Yes or no? Or is this something that Beijing has to approve as well? In other words, have your hands been tied by Beijing in not allowing the bill to be withdrawn or is this a point of political pride on your part in not doing this and refusing to meet this demand of the protesters? Yes or no? Specific response.

Chief Executive: Well, actually, this question has been answered on previous occasions. Number one, as we have all heard from the spokesman of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, the Central Government is still confident that I, myself, as the Government of the Hong Kong SAR, together with the police force, are still capable of resolving this crisis. The second point I want to make is in response to the various demands that we have heard, we have considered all factors and came up with the response that we have rehearsed time and again over the last two months. Thank you very much.

Reporter: Do you have the autonomy or not to withdraw the extradition bill? You have not answered the question. You’ve evaded the question. Please, Chief Executive. Do you have the autonomy to withdraw the bill or not, or does Beijing need to give approval on that?

Chief Executive: I have already answered the question.