
香港で2000年02月24日から毎日綴り始めた日記ブログ 現在は身在日本











五四運動百周年。大公報は對標五四精神 讓青春與家國共振なんて記事大きく掲げ若者のエネルギーと国家が共振し新しい時代を、なんて謳つてみせる。



「五四」這個悶話題 - 陶傑 | 蘋果日報 | 果籽 | 名采 | 20190504
五四運動では「科学と民主」が謳はれ、その科学はテクノロジーに非ず理性、民主は民主。これが百年後、中共は世界第二位のGDP誇る経済大国となり中共一党独裁での政治安定も誇り、そこで上述のやうな「對標五四精神 讓青春與家國共振」宣ふ。陶傑氏は五四運動に対して日本の明治維新から近代化の成果を評す。中共の五四運動百年での欺瞞的な成果誇張に対して日本は維新百五十年で安倍首相は談話もなく(これは凍結氏の誤解、政府主催の明治150年記念式典で晋三は誇らしげに式辞述べる(こちら)、天皇はこれに参加せず)天皇退位と新天皇即位でも「憲法を守り国民のために」と述べる日本。明治維新も農民蜂起も京都・奈良の焼き討ちもない(これも正確ではない)。


中国では「科学」思想により儒教など攻撃受けたが中共が伝統的封建思想否定するはずの今、世界中に「孔子学院」開く矛盾。科学的に先進国になつたはずが米国に何十万人の若者が留学する現実。確かに大いなる矛盾が何も解決されてをらず。昨年、FCCで香港独立宣ふ香港民族党の代表をスピーチに招聘したことで香港での取材活動拒まれたFT紙のVictor Mallet記者の記事“Hong Kong: business must pay heed to the erosion of freedoms”は一読に値する。

- The popular myth about boiling a frog — that the animal will jump out of the pot if placed in boiling water but die when plonked in cold water and gradually cooked — should be recalled by anyone involved in politics, business or the law in Asia today. In most cases, freedom and the rule of law are being eroded only gradually, but the erosion is real and the cumulative effect substantial.
Business is not exempt from this lesson. In Hong Kong and other financial centres, a surprising number of investors and entrepreneurs believe themselves protected from the depredations of authoritarian governments — and their arbitrary, extralegal decisions — on the grounds that they are purely economic players and steer clear of that terribly disruptive and inconvenient thing called “politics”. They may be right for the time being. In the long run, they are deceiving themselves.
The dangers are, of course, more immediate in authoritarian states such as China. Many observers thought President Xi Jinping would accelerate political and economic reforms and preside over a more liberal society, but he has done the opposite, concentrating power in himself and the ruling Communist party and crushing dissenters.

- The reality is that abuses of freedom, transparency and the rule of law can never be fully confined to the “political” sphere.
There is not merely the problem of business people, lawyers and journalists trying to go about their daily business without risking arbitrary arrest. Economic and financial news and data, essential for bankers and industrialists, are an increasingly contested area. This is true even in a democracy such as India, but it is particularly so in authoritarian China.
As the Chinese economy slowed last year, propaganda officials ordered editors and journalists to refrain from publishing bad news about such matters as inefficient state companies and local government debt. “The economy is now political,” one editor told the FT anonymously at the time.
In too many countries — from Turkey to China, and even the US — respect for the truth and rule of law is now under sustained attack. That is why work by law firms to improve protection for journalists, whistleblowers and activists is so important — even if it turns out not to be enough.
The assault is not always alarming or visible, because our freedoms are usually eroded one small step at a time. But the frog is slowly being boiled, and soon it may be too late to jump out of the pot.